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Malice - Lisa Jackson

$14.88 inc. tax
Product Code: SLlST86

Preowned hardcover novel.
By Lisa Jackson
ISBN 978-0-7582-1184-2
Kensington Books April 2009

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On the inside cover:
“The scent is unmistakable—gardenias, sweet and delicate, the same perfume that his beautiful first wife, Jennifer, always wore. Opening his eyes in the hospital room where he's recovering from an accident, New Orleans detective Rick Bentz sees her standing in the doorway. Then Jennifer blows him a kiss, and disappears. But it couldn't have been Jennifer. She died twelve years ago…

Once out of the hospital, Bentz begins to see Jennifer everywhere, haunting and taunting him, then vanishing without a trace. Could she still be alive? But it was Bentz who identified Jennifer's body after her horrible car wreck, and there had been no question in his mind that it was her crumpled form behind the wheel, her clothes, her wedding ring. He's never doubted it—until now. He can't tell his new wife, Olivia, about the sightings or his secrèt fear that he's losing his mind, even though he knows she suspects something is wrong. But Olivia is also hiding a secret…

When a copy of Jennifer's death certificate arrives in the mail, emblazoned with a red question mark, Bent follows the postmark trail to Los Angeles, returning to the painful memories he's tried so hard to forget, and straight into a killer's web. Reconnecting with his former LAPD colleagues, Bentz begins to piece together Jennifer's last days, but each new discovery only serves as a chilling reminder of how little he really knew about his first wife. Then the murders begin, each victim a part of Jennifer's past, each grisly corpse pointing to Bent as the prime suspect.

Someone's been waiting patiently, silently. Someone who knows exactly what happened that night twelve years ago and has been anticipating Bent's every move. Soon it will be Bent's turn to suffer for his sins. But he won't be the only one made to pay the ultimate price. For a diabolical killer has now made Olivia the prime target…”

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